European University Cyprus | School of Sciences | Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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Welcome     back to top

Welcome to my departmental webpages

At European University Cyprus we utilize the Blackboard Ultra LMS to manage course content. So, if you are after some course material please visit log into the system and browse through your courses. Otherwise you can browse these pages for general information, some course software guides or general help relating to how I operate.

I should also point out that these pages are not updated regularly since most of the effort is put on our Blackboard.






















Latest announcements   back to top

latest at the top























Course guides   back to top





















Useful forms   back to top

don't complete online (unless its a google form), download locally and complete






















Slides   back to top

Please note: my slides relating to lab-based courses (CSC131, CSC132, CSC135, CSC209, CSC231, CSC326, CSC600 ) might include hyperlinks to source code (or projects) . Download the .zip file and extract it somewhere. You should have a set of .ppt files and 1 folder (called source) containing all source files. In order for the hyperlinks to work properly you have to be viewing the slides show






















Hand-in guide   back to top

Coursework is obtained from the relative LMS course page. Submissions are made through the LMS course page.


I usually ask students to submit one file only a (.ZIP) archive that will contain all relevant information for their submission.. I also require the file to be named according to the details of each student using the following convention:

name-lastname-regno-coursecode-work-number (i.e andreas-grondoudis-20132579-csc132-work-2)


Here is what I require to include in the .ZIP file when submitting:





















Research   back to top

My research interests include: Formal Description Techniques, Formal Methods, X-machines; Communication protocols; Software development; High Altitude Platforms, Engineering education; Computer Science education; vocational education and training.

I have been involved in the following projects in the past: JOBIT, Interfaces, BeCom

I am currently involved in the following projects:  ImTech4Ed, SUGAPAS, NEWSinMAP, CYGNUS





















Senior project   back to top























You should know   back to top























Obtaining references   back to top























Working with .ZIP files   back to top

A zipped file, or a compressed file, or an archive as it is also called is one or more files compressed together to economize size (and transfer time) when the file is being transferred between machines, or e-mailed. ZIP programs find gaps/spaces in the files and try to squeeze everything together so that it will take up less space.  One of the most popular format for compressed files is the .ZIP format. There exists other formats examples of which include RAR (the most popular), ACE, JAR, TAR, GZ and more. Microsoft Windows 7 and 10 provide inbuilt support for zip archives.

























More help   back to top

If you have looked through everything that is available in this and other pages and could not still find the answer to your question you can

























Postal address   back to top

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

European University Cyprus

6 Diogenous Street, 2404 Engomi, 

P.O. Box: 22006

1516 Nicosia , CYPRUS























Phone numbers   back to top























e-Comms   back to top























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