European University Cyprus | School of Sciences | Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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Welcome | Course guides | Hand-in guide | You should know | Postal address | ||||||||||||
Latest announcements | Useful forms | Research | References | Phone numbers | ||||||||||||
Slides | Senior project | Working with ZIP files | e-Communicate | |||||||||||||
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Welcome to my departmental webpages
At European University Cyprus we utilize the Blackboard Ultra LMS to manage course content. So, if you are after some course material please visit log into the system and browse through your courses. Otherwise you can browse these pages for general information, some course software guides or general help relating to how I operate.
I should also point out that these pages are not updated regularly since most of the effort is put on our Blackboard.
latest at the top
Feb 2022 - updated the departmental website to incorporate blackboard and integrate everything onto one page
Feb 2020 - Download (here) an archive with the senior project proposals
Sep 2019: faculty pages moved to new server... if you spot any broken links please let me know
Feb 2019: Download (not yet) the senior project proposals for spring 2019
Jan 2019: The flexibility (google) form form
September 2018: Download the senior project proposals for fall 2018
September 2018: The flexibility (google) form form is now accepting requests:
September 2018: A new installation of moodle exists at EUC the original moodle is available at request
June 2018: added the 'forms' section in the 'Guides and forms' area
May 2018: update of personal departmental webpages
Relating to course CSC342 - Last updated on F2018 - Quick software guide - PDF file
Relating to course Master Thesis (CSC692, INS656, MSH690, CYS690) - Last update on S2018 - Quick guide to master thesis - PDF FIle
Relating to course Senior Project (CSC491, ECE491, CSW490, MAT490, CEE490) - Last updated on S2018 - Quick guide to senior project - PDF file
Relating to course CSC131 & CSC132 - Last updated on S2015 - How to install DevC++ in windows - PDF file
Relating to course CSC135 - Last updated on S2014 - How to install and configure LaTeX and TeXMaker - PDF file
Relating to all courses: - Last updated on F2010 - How to create a moodle account - PDF file
Relating to course CSC326 - Last updated on F2010 - Installing Ubuntu and using for C++ - PDF file
don't complete online (unless its a google form), download locally and complete
The form to request to register for a course without the prerequisite(s) - Online (google) form (not always available)
The form to request to register for a course without the prerequisite(s) - Flexibility form (always available)
The form to request an extension for your senior project - Senior project extension form
Slides (not mine) relevant to a textbook: Browse by course.
Slides created by me (for a course of mine): Browse by course
Please note: my slides relating to lab-based courses (CSC131, CSC132, CSC135, CSC209, CSC231, CSC326, CSC600 ) might include hyperlinks to source code (or projects) . Download the .zip file and extract it somewhere. You should have a set of .ppt files and 1 folder (called source) containing all source files. In order for the hyperlinks to work properly you have to be viewing the slides show
Coursework is obtained from the relative LMS course page. Submissions are made through the LMS course page.
I usually ask students to submit one file only a (.ZIP) archive that will contain all relevant information for their submission.. I also require the file to be named according to the details of each student using the following convention:
name-lastname-regno-coursecode-work-number (i.e andreas-grondoudis-20132579-csc132-work-2)
Here is what I require to include in the .ZIP file when submitting:
for CSC131 a folder containing all .C files created for the assignment
for CSC132 a folder containing all .CPP files. When classes and projects are used then you must zip up the .H files, the .CPP files and the .DEV file
for CSC134 a folder containing all the .m or .mat or .bin or .txt file used
for CSC135 a folder containing all .TEX files, the .PDF output file, any .JPG or .PNG images used
for CSC209 a folder containing the solution/website you are working on
for CSC231 a folder containing the solution you are wroking on
for CSC322 a folder containing the .DOC document that contains you answers as well as any .JPG or .PNG images used
for CSC326 a folder containing any .CPP files. When classes are used then you must zip up the .H files and the .CPP files.
for CSC342 a folder containing any .JAVA files.
for CSC600 a folder containing any .JAVA files or .DOC files.
My research interests include: Formal Description Techniques, Formal Methods, X-machines; Communication protocols; Software development; High Altitude Platforms, Engineering education; Computer Science education; vocational education and training.
I have been involved in the following projects in the past: JOBIT, Interfaces, BeCom
I am currently involved in the following projects: ImTech4Ed, SUGAPAS, NEWSinMAP, CYGNUS
As of fall 2016 reports (BSc or MSc) are no longer submitted in hard copy (i.e. printed). Electronic copies are kept from supervisors
A PDF guide for the report structure. A document outlining what does the report need to contain. Not all projects/reports will have the exact same structure but this document will give you a good guide as to what goes where. The document has been created by Dr Dimopoulos with comments from Dr Grondoudis. NOTE: I believe a later version of this is now out. Please consult Dr Dimopoulos
A technical PDF guide for the report formatting. A document containing all the rules that should be followed when students are writing up their FYP report. All reports must be uniform. Document was developed by Dr Dimopoulos with comments from Dr Grondoudis)
Ready made Microsoft Word templates (a template means you download the file, double click on it and it creates a new document based on that template)
When you submit a report (BSc, MSc) you need to also complete and submit the signatures page.
You might also need the (2024 updated) Powerpoint Project Presentation slides
As of fall 2009 student proposals are no longer acceptable
I do not carry anything with me apart from my computer (no handouts, midterms, finals, samples or assignments)
Submitting most of the coursework for any course is extremely important. You must practice the work; you must be familiar with the material. Especially for programming courses, midterms and final exams are usually similar to the assignments
Do not be late for...
the regular class. I usually do not say anything unless you do it systematically and you are so late that you interrupt the flow fo the class
the midterm examination, entry after the first half an hour or after the first person has exited is NOT permitted
the final examination, entry after the fist half an hour or after the first person has exited is NOT permitted
If for any reason you cannot make it to an examination (please inform me or the departmental reception)
You must absolutely, at all cost avoid plagiarism. Presenting someone else's work as your own is unacceptable and will not be torerated. The first time it happens you get a warning. If it happens again the work (of all invovled) will be zeroes. If it happens a third time all involved will be reported to the dean of the school for further desciplinary action.
Try and give all your reference requests to the instructor in one time rather than 3 references today, 4 one week later, 3 two weeks later.
There is no limit to the number of universities you can apply
Admissions officers of all UK universities can be very accommodating. Don't be afraid to sent emails to people asking for help or information (provided that you have looked through the relevant website and were not able to locate something) Some websites are very helpful in providing information and you can also apply online.
If you made an online application and the institution will contact referees; then you must make sure that:
The referee you have chosen is actually willing to provide you with a reference (ask them)
If you gave their name without asking (why?), at least let them know so that they don't get a surprise email or phone call from an admissions officer
If you are in the process of completing applications on paper and require references; then here is what you need to do
Provide the instructor in question with a list of:
The institutions you are applying to
The course that you are applying for
If the institutions have documents (PDF or DOC or otherwise) online get them; complete them; and make them available to the instructor (either as hard copies or in electronic format).
Download this address label document (right click, save target as) and fill in ALL the addresses that you want the reference letters to be sent to. To be on the safe side create 2 of each address
A zipped file, or a compressed file, or an archive as it is also called is one or more files compressed together to economize size (and transfer time) when the file is being transferred between machines, or e-mailed. ZIP programs find gaps/spaces in the files and try to squeeze everything together so that it will take up less space. One of the most popular format for compressed files is the .ZIP format. There exists other formats examples of which include RAR (the most popular), ACE, JAR, TAR, GZ and more. Microsoft Windows 7 and 10 provide inbuilt support for zip archives.
to create an archive (or compress some files), select the files you want (or the folder containing them) and click the right mouse button. Select the option 'Add to ZIP' or 'Compress to ZIP'. A file will be created in the same directory you are working.
to open an archive (or uncompress/decompress the file), select the file and click the right mouse button. On the pop up menu that comes up select 'Extract here' or 'Uncompress here'.
If you have looked through everything that is available in this and other pages and could not still find the answer to your question you can
email me (include your code if relevant)
use the coursework forum to ask everyone
come see me (bring your code), if I have office hours
give me a ring. If I don't have anyone there I will help; of someone is there, they have priority
contact the departmental secretaries and leave a message; they can reach me
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
European University Cyprus
6 Diogenous Street, 2404 Engomi,
P.O. Box: 22006
1516 Nicosia , CYPRUS
My office phone number is: +357 22 713 273
The department's fax number is: +357 22 713 013
The departmental secretary's number is: +357 22 713 293
You can use the LMS messaging mechanism to contact me
From within EUC, message me in Teams
Leave a message with the departmenal secretary (+357 22 713 293)
<the end of the page>